Algonac Housing Commission
Algonquin Place
The Algonac Commission administers one program through their office. The program is Low-Income Senior and Family housing. In 1975 “Algonquin Place” was built. It is a three story high rise with the elevator located directly in the middle of the complex for easy access to all. There are also 20 townhome apartments. There are laundry facilities located on every floor and one located by the townhomes. Each consists of two coin operated washers and dryers in each facility.
The Complex
Algonquin Place has 50 one-bedroom apartments located in the high-rise. The one bedroom apartments are approximately 600 sq/ft with a living room/kitchen combination, a separate bedroom and bathroom. All utilities are included in the rent, in the high-rise apartments (heat, electric, water/sewer). The Algonac Housing Commission supplies the electric stove and refrigerator.
The 20 townhome apartments consist of 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedrooms. The 1 bedroom apartments are approximately 630 sq/ft. The 2 bedroom apartments are approximately 920 sq/ft. The 3 bedroom apartments are approximately 1140 sq/ft. The 4 bedroom apartments are approximately 1280 sq/ft. Utilities are not included in the townhome apartments but a utility allowance is given. There are 2 – 1 bedroom apartments, 10 – 2 bedroom apartments, 6 – 3 bedroom apartments, and 2 – 4 bedroom apartments.
Community Amenities include:
- Smoke-Free Facilities
- Community Room with River View
- Library/Game Room
- River View Picnic Patio/Gazebo and Corn Hole
- Playground & Courtyards
- Laundry Room Facility
- Elevator

Our Mission:
It is the mission of the Algonac Housing Commission to provide safe, sanitary and affordable housing for low income elderly and persons with disabilities in a cost efficient manner and within an environment free from discrimination.

Board of Commissioners
Algonac Housing Commission consists of five 5 members that are appointed by the City Counsel of Algonac. The term of office of members of the commission is 5 years. Members of the first commission existing hereunder shall be appointed for the term of one (1) year, two (2) years, three (3) years, four (4) years and five (5) years respectively, and annually thereafter one (1) member shall be appointed for the term of five (5) years.
Algonac Housing Commission has all of the powers and duties vested or permitted to be vested in the Housing Commissions by said Public Act No. 18 of the Extra Session of 1933, as heretofore or hereafter amended, and any laws heretofore or hereafter enacted which are supplemental thereto, it being the intention of this chapter to vest in the housing commission all powers and duties permitted by law.
Meetings are every 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00pm. These dates and times are subject to change.
Cynthia Smith
Bernard Ferris
Vice President
Deborah Green
Resident Commissioner
Kimberley Catenacci
Christine Robb
James A. Dewey
Executive Director
Stephen O.
Policies Incorporated by Reference into the Lease
- ACOP - Public Housing Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy
- Air Conditioning Charge Policy
- Antenna Installation Policy
- Bed Bug Policy
- Community Service Rules & Information Sheet
- Damage and Charges
- Dwelling Lease
- Equal Housing-Fair Housing-Civil Rights Compliance Policy
- Excess Utility Policy
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Integrated Pest Management Policy
- Lead in Your Home Brochure
- No Cash Policy
- No Smoking Smoke Free Policy
- Notice of Occupancy Rights under VAWA
- One Strike and Out Policy
- Parking and Parking Permit Policy
- Pet Policy
- Reasonable Accommodations Request Form
- Rent Collection Policy
- Repayment Agreement Policy
- Resident Initiative
- Schedule of Fees
- Smoke Detector MFR's Req. - Bedroom
- Smoke Detector MFR's Req. - Hardwired
- Smoke Detector Alarm User Guide
- Tenant Handbook
- Utility Allowance Notice
- VAWA Victim Certification Form
- Weapons and Firearms Policy
2025 Algonac Commission Board Meetings
Third Monday @ 6 pm
Moerhing Room
1205 St. Clair River Drive
Algonac, MI 48001
2025 Calendar
- January 20
- February 17
- March 17
- April 21
- May 19
- June 16
- July (no meeting)
- August 18
- September 15
- October 20
- November 17
- December 15
Meeting Agendas
Algonac Housing Commission
- 1205 St. Clair River Drive
Algonac, MI 48001
Office Hours by appointment only:
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM